#!/usr/bin/env python
from threading import Thread
import serial
import time
import collections
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import struct
import pandas as pd
class serialPlot:
def __init__(self, serialPort = '/dev/ttyUSB0', serialBaud = 38400, plotLength = 100, dataNumBytes = 2):
self.port = serialPort
self.baud = serialBaud
self.plotMaxLength = plotLength
self.dataNumBytes = dataNumBytes
self.rawData = bytearray(dataNumBytes)
self.data = collections.deque([0] * plotLength, maxlen=plotLength)
self.isRun = True
self.isReceiving = False
self.thread = None
self.plotTimer = 0
self.previousTimer = 0
# self.csvData = []
print('Trying to connect to: ' + str(serialPort) + ' at ' + str(serialBaud) + ' BAUD.')
self.serialConnection = serial.Serial(serialPort, serialBaud, timeout=4)
print('Connected to ' + str(serialPort) + ' at ' + str(serialBaud) + ' BAUD.')
print("Failed to connect with " + str(serialPort) + ' at ' + str(serialBaud) + ' BAUD.')
def readSerialStart(self):
if self.thread == None:
self.thread = Thread(target=self.backgroundThread)
# Block till we start receiving values
while self.isReceiving != True:
def getSerialData(self, frame, lines, lineValueText, lineLabel, timeText):
currentTimer = time.perf_counter()
self.plotTimer = int((currentTimer - self.previousTimer) * 1000) # the first reading will be erroneous
self.previousTimer = currentTimer
timeText.set_text('Plot Interval = ' + str(self.plotTimer) + 'ms')
value, = struct.unpack('f', self.rawData) # use 'h' for a 2 byte integer
self.data.append(value) # we get the latest data point and append it to our array
lines.set_data(range(self.plotMaxLength), self.data)
lineValueText.set_text('[' + lineLabel + '] = ' + str(value))
# self.csvData.append(self.data[-1])
def backgroundThread(self): # retrieve data
time.sleep(1.0) # give some buffer time for retrieving data
while (self.isRun):
self.isReceiving = True
def close(self):
self.isRun = False
# df = pd.DataFrame(self.csvData)
# df.to_csv('/home/rikisenia/Desktop/data.csv')
def main():
# portName = 'COM5' # for windows users
portName = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
baudRate = 38400
maxPlotLength = 100
dataNumBytes = 4 # number of bytes of 1 data point
s = serialPlot(portName, baudRate, maxPlotLength, dataNumBytes) # initializes all required variables
s.readSerialStart() # starts background thread
# plotting starts below
pltInterval = 50 # Period at which the plot animation updates [ms]
xmin = 0
xmax = maxPlotLength
ymin = -(1)
ymax = 1
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(float(ymin - (ymax - ymin) / 10), float(ymax + (ymax - ymin) / 10)))
ax.set_title('Arduino Analog Read')
ax.set_ylabel("AnalogRead Value")
lineLabel = 'Potentiometer Value'
timeText = ax.text(0.50, 0.95, '', transform=ax.transAxes)
lines = ax.plot([], [], label=lineLabel)[0]
lineValueText = ax.text(0.50, 0.90, '', transform=ax.transAxes)
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, s.getSerialData, fargs=(lines, lineValueText, lineLabel, timeText), interval=pltInterval) # fargs has to be a tuple
plt.legend(loc="upper left")
if __name__ == '__main__':