int a, b, sum, difference, product, quotient, remainder;
//Using all arithmetic operators, choose what you're looking for
cout << "ADDITION" << endl;
cout << "
cout << "Enter number: " << endl;
cin >> a;
cout << "Enter the second number: " << endl;
cin >> b;
sum = a + b;
cout << "The sum is: " << sum << endl;
cout << "
cout << "SUBTRACTION" << endl;
cout << "
cout << "Enter number: " << endl;
cin >> a;
cout << "Enter the second number: " << endl;
cin >> b;
difference = a - b;
cout << "The difference is: " << difference << endl;
cout << "
cout << "MULTIPLICATION" << endl;
cout << "
cout << "Enter number: " << endl;
cin >> a;
cout << "Enter the second number: " << endl;
cin >> b;
product = a * b;
cout << "The product is: " << product << endl;
cout << "
cout << "DIVISION" << endl;
cout << "
cout << "Enter number: " << endl;
cin >> a;
cout << "Enter the second number: " << endl;
cin >> b;
quotient = a / b;
cout << "The quotient is: " << quotient << endl;
remainder = a % b;
cout << "The remainder is: "<< remainder << endl;