string x = "Hello", y = "World";
cout << "y= " << y << endl;
cout << "First character in x= " << << endl;
cout << "Length of string= " << x.length() << endl;
cout << "length of string= " << x.size() << endl;
cout << "Substring of x: " << x.substr(3) << endl;
cout << "Substring of x: " << x.substr(0,3) << endl;
cout <<"Before swapping: " << x << " " << y << endl;
cout << "After swapping: " << x << " " << y << endl;
cout << "position of the character He: " << x.find("He") << endl;
cout << "position of the second l: " << x.rfind("l") << endl;
cout << x.erase(0,3) << endl;
cout << x.erase(3) << endl;
cout << x.replace(5,3,"early") << endl;
cout << x.replace(x.find("e"),3,"ali") << endl;
cout << x.insert(1, "new") << endl;