#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class Shirt
{ // Private attributes access
// Attributes under this line can be accessed only inside of the class.
// (In the block of code with curly brackets marked with
// "Private attributes access")
private: // this line is not necessary, because fields declared
// before any access specifier are private by default
// Class field
std::string purchaseDate;
// Attributes under this line can be accessed everywhere
// Class field
unsigned int sleeveLength;
// Class Method
void shortenSleeve(unsigned int n)
if (sleeveLength - n < 0)
std::cout << "Cannot shorten that much" << std::endl;
sleeveLength -= n;
std::cout << "Sleeve Shortened successfully" << std::endl;
// Constructor
Shirt(std::string purchD, int sL) : purchaseDate(purchD), sleeveLength(sL)
/* Alternative
Shirt(std::string purchD, int sL)
purchaseDate = purchD;
sleeveLength = sL;
}; // Private attributes access
int main()
Shirt JoesShirt("07.07.2022", 70);
// Alternative
// Shirt JoesShirt = Shirt("07.07.2022", 70);
// std::cout << JoesShirt.purchaseDate // Error
std::cout << JoesShirt.sleeveLength << std::endl;
Sleeve Shortened successfully