[^pe]000 = except p and e everything match
[pe]000 = only match p and e
[a-z] , [b-h], [start, end]
[a-zA-Z] - both uppercase, lowercase
[0-9] - 0 to 9 only
but how 11 digits?? not single number??
[0-9]+ - unlimited digits
[0-9]{11} - only 11 digits
[a-z]{11} - 11 letter word
[a-z]{5,8} - 5 chars upto 8 chars
[a-z]{5,} - minimum 5 and unlimited
Must have backslash on front otherwise it will behave as char...
d - match any digit character (same as [0-9])
w - match any word character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _ underscores)
s - match a whitespace char (spaces, tabs etc)
- match a tab char only
EX: d{3}sw{5} -> first 3 numbers then space then 5 word chars
Special Characters:
+ -> one or more quantifier
-> escape character or backslash
[] -> charset
[^] -> negate
? -> zero or 1 ex: a[a-z]? must have a after that optional
. -> any char except new line
ex: car. carx true not newline char
ex: .+ any length string
* -> 0 or more bit like +
ex: abc* - now include * aswell for match
^w{5}$ -> must be 5 words for match
^ -> start
$ -> end
const patterns = {
tel: /^d{11}$/,
username: /^w{5,12}$/i,
pswd: /^[w@-]{8,20}$/,
slug: /^[a-zd-]{8,20}$/,
email: /^([a-zd.-]+)@([a-zd-]+).([a-z]{2,8})(.[a-z]{2,8})?$/,
const validate = (value, regex) => {
const reg = regex.test(value);
if (reg) {
return "Valid";
} else {
return "Invalid";
validate("admin.fdsfsdfdsf@gmail.com", patterns["email"]);