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Angular 11.0.3
Using setValue()
//Here we will provide simple use of FormControl.setValue() method. In our code we have initialized a FormControl and we have a setter method to set value as 'India'.
countryName = new FormControl();
setCountryName() {
//Find the HTML template code.
<input [formControl]="countryName">
<button type="button" (click)="setCountryName()">Set Country Name</button>
//On click of button, text box and countryName.value will display value as 'India'.
//3. Using setValue() with Options
//We can use FormControl.setValue() with configuration options as following.
this.cityName.setValue('Varanasi', {
onlySelf: false,
emitEvent: true,
emitModelToViewChange: true,
emitViewToModelChange: true
//Find the example where we are setting the emitModelToViewChange value as false.
cityName = new FormControl();
setCityName() {
this.cityName.setValue('Varanasi', {
emitModelToViewChange: false
//Find the HTML template code.
<input [formControl]="cityName">
<button type="button" (click)="setCityName()">Set City Name</button>
//When we call setValue() by clicking the button, this value in text box will not change but cityName.value will change.