

Everything inside a pair

Everything inside a pair of opening and closing tag is interpreted by php parser. Php introduced three types of opening and closing tag.
1.Standard tags
<?php ?>
2.Short echo tag
<?=  ?>
here, <?=  is equivalent meaning of "<?php echo" 
3.Short tag
<?   ?>

Standard tag and short echo tag are alwayes available.
But short tag can be disabled either via the short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or are disabled by default if PHP is built with the --disable-short-tags configuration.

If a file contains only PHP code, it is preferable to omit the PHP closing tag at the end of the file.
This prevents accidental whitespace or new lines being added after the PHP closing tag

Code Example
Php :: dir instalación ZendStudiopluginscom.zend.php.debug.debugger.win32.x86_10.6.0.v20140121-1240 esourcesphp.ini 
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Php :: featured image tab not displayed on post 
Php :: exe:/usr/local/bin/php 
Php :: obtener tipo 
Php :: How to automail in php 
Php :: install php 7.4 
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Php :: $s = [1,2,3] for loop use in php 
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Php :: if is gutenberg page php wp 
Php :: phpmyadmin account locked 
Php :: create newfilter wordpress 
Php :: Online Food Ordering System Project SQL 
Php :: php array splice insert array in array 
Php :: remove all breadcrumbs php 
Php :: option to have array in function parameter 
Php :: run php code online 
Php :: wordpress session variables 
Php :: CarbonTraitsUnits.php:69 
Php :: comparison of two tables in laravel using model 
Php :: eager loading in hasmany belongsto relationship 
Php :: How to Filter Your Posts & Pages by Custom Field in WordPress Dashboard 
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