list_of_names.append(new_name)# The list is now ["Bill", "John", "Susan", "Bob", "Emma","Katherine", "James"]
#append to list
lst =[1,2,3]
li =4
lst.append(li)#lst is now [1, 2, 3, 4].append("the add"): append the object to the end of the list..insert("the add"): inserts the object before the given index..extend("the add"): extends the list by appending elements from the iterable.
number_of_values =int(input('Please enter number of values: '))# int
myList = create_list(number_of_values)# myList = function result
total = get_total(myList)print('the list is: ', myList)print('the total is ', total)defget_total(value_list):
total =0for num in value_list:
total += num
return total
myList =[]for _ inrange(number_of_values):# no need to use num in loop here
num =int(input('Please enter number: '))# int
myList.append(num)return myList
if __name__ =='__main__':# it's better to add this line as suggested
myList =[1,2,3]
fruits =["watermelon","banana","Cherry","pineapple","oranges"]
vegitable =["Tomato","potato","torry","bottle goud","bittre gourd"]#adding fruits and vegitable in a list called dirty_dozen
dirty_dozen =[fruits, vegitable]print(dirty_dozen)
fruits =["Apple","Banana"]# 1. append()print(f'Current Fruits List {fruits}')
f =input("Please enter a fruit name:
fruits.append(f)print(f'Updated Fruits List {fruits}')