

exclamation mark in c

The negation operator (!) simply just reverses the meaning of its operand.

The operand or the expression must be of arithmetic or pointer type. But the operand/result of expression is implicitly converted to data type bool (boolean 0 means false, Non zero means True).

The result is true if the converted operand is false; the result is false if the converted operand is true. The result is of type bool.

Code Example
C :: c iterate string 
C :: lldb set breakpoint function name 
C :: c bit access struct 
C :: c int to string 
C :: nested switch case in c 
C :: c output 
C :: how to create calculator with switch in c 
C :: c check if character is a digit 
C :: mariadb utf8mb4 
C :: list c 
C :: c program for swapping of two numbers using temporary variable 
C :: c string 
C :: accessing elements of 1d array using pointers 
C :: append to list in c 
C :: ruby find object in array by attribute 
C :: c recursion func revers number 
C :: The fscanf and fprintf functions 
C :: houdini vex loop over points 
C :: selection sort algorithm in c 
C :: pointer to function c 
C :: read file c 
C :: replace a substring with another substring in c 
C :: sockaddr_in c 
C :: do while loop in c 
C :: command line arguments c 
C :: working outside of application context 
C :: C Input and Output Array Elements 
C :: iterating through a linked list 
C :: bcd to char c 
C :: convert c to phyton 
Source link
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