

** in c

// ** is call a double pointer 
// ** is just a pointer to a pointer
char **p1;
char **p2;
// This is an array of characters( char ).
// an arrays first address is considered a pointer.
// thats why you use a double pointer.
char *tables[5] = {"A","B","C","D","E"};

// Point to the beginning of the table array to store the start of the array 
// addresses.  This stores the array address not the array value.
p1 = table;

// This is pointing to the last adderess of the array.
p2 = table[5];

//to get the values from p1 nd p2
printf("this is the value of p1 %s 
", *p1);
printf("this is the value of p2 %s 
", *p2);

// Hope this helped!
		// Happy coding!!

%= in c

Modulus AND assignment operator. It takes modulus using two operands and assigns the result to the left operand.

* and & in c

int i = 10; //i is an int, it has allocated storage to store an int.
int *k; // k is an uninitialized pointer to an int. 
        //It does not store an int, but a pointer to one.
k = &i; // make k point to i. We take the address of i and store it in k
int j = *k; //here we dereference the k pointer to get at the int value it points
            //to. As it points to i, *k will get the value 10 and store it in j

Code Example
C :: What are the 3 basic types of Plate Boundaries? Explain their differences (how they act). 
C :: c distance in the cartesian plane 
C :: purge nvidia 
C :: arduino wifi ip address to string 
C :: install gitk mac 
C :: wireless app debug android 
C :: c get file size 
C :: Which of the following are Cetaceans? 
C :: C hello workld 
C :: nginx reverse proxy nextcloud 
C :: close file in c 
C :: types of instruction and there meaning in c 
C :: remove element from np array 
C :: how to add two numbers in c programming 
C :: C how to find substring in string 
C :: lldb set breakpoint function name 
C :: c how to check a palindrome string 
C :: c check if character is a digit 
C :: check if string in string c 
C :: how to represent unsigned char with % c 
C :: bash while loop n times 
C :: make a function makefile 
C :: int to char in c 
C :: c programming language 
C :: malloc contiguous 2d array 
C :: stack push 
C :: array of strings in c 
C :: hourglass sum 
C :: powershell search big files 
C :: stddef.h 
Source link
4+2 =