

C++ Modified Data Types List

Data Type	Size (in Bytes)	Meaning
signed int	4	used for integers (equivalent to int)
unsigned int	4	can only store positive integers
short	2	used for small integers (range -32768 to 32767)
unsigned short	2	used for small positive integers (range 0 to 65,535)
long	at least 4	used for large integers (equivalent to long int)
unsigned long	4	used for large positive integers or 0 (equivalent to unsigned long int)
long long	8	used for very large integers (equivalent to long long int).
unsigned long long	8	used for very large positive integers or 0 (equivalent to unsigned long long int)
long double	12	used for large floating-point numbers
signed char	1	used for characters (guaranteed range -127 to 127)
unsigned char	1	used for characters (range 0 to 255)

C++ Modified Data Types List

long b = 4523232;
long int c = 2345342;
long double d = 233434.56343;
short d = 3434233; // Error! out of range
unsigned int a = -5;    // Error! can only store positive numbers or 0

Code Example
Cpp :: setFontSize QT 
Cpp :: C++ float and double simple example 
Cpp :: how to seek to the start of afile in c++ 
Cpp :: jquery datepicker default date not working 
Cpp :: c++ Difference Array | Range update query in O(1) 
Cpp :: pallindrome string 
Cpp :: strong number in c++ 
Cpp :: 10^18 data type in c++ 
Cpp :: c++ argument list for class template is missing 
Cpp :: youtube to facebook link converter 
Cpp :: passing reference to thread c++ 
Cpp :: how to type cast quotient of two integers to double with c++ 
Cpp :: cout two dimension array c++ 
Cpp :: cpp pointer to two dimensional array 
Cpp :: cin une énumération 
Cpp :: product of array in cpp 
Cpp :: sort vector from smallest to largest 
Cpp :: cocos2d c++ linux 
Cpp :: how to find the sum of elements in a stack in cpp 
Cpp :: C++ Creating a Class Template Object 
Cpp :: run program until ctrl-d c++ 
Cpp :: online compiler c++ with big O calculator 
Cpp :: ranged based for loop c++ 
Cpp :: how to read and write to a file in qt c++ 
Cpp :: Character convert c++ 
Cpp :: 
Cpp :: c++ to assembly 
Cpp :: button creation in C++ GUI 
Cpp :: 2160. Minimum Sum of Four Digit Number After Splitting Digits leetcode solution in c++ 
Cpp :: permutation and combination program in c++ 
Source link
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