#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// One function works for all data types. This would work
// even for user defined types if operator '>' is overloaded
template <typename T> T myMax(T x, T y)
return (x > y) ? x : y;
int main()
cout << myMax<int>(3, 7) << endl; // Call myMax for int
cout << myMax<double>(3.0, 7.0)
<< endl; // call myMax for double
cout << myMax<char>('g', 'e')
<< endl; // call myMax for char
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// One function works for all data types. This would work
// even for user defined types if operator '>' is overloaded
template <typename T>
T myMax(T x, T y)
return (x > y)? x: y;
int main()
cout << myMax<int>(3, 7) << endl; // Call myMax for int
cout << myMax<double>(3.0, 7.0) << endl; // call myMax for double
cout << myMax<char>('g', 'e') << endl; // call myMax for char
return 0;
template <class T>
class mypair {
T values [2];
mypair (T first, T second)
values[0]=first; values[1]=second;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
return 0;
C++ template functions are an alternamive way to write a function that
can take different data types. C++ Template functions are only one
function, so if you need to make a change, then it only has to be done
once. Here is an example of a 'get_doubled' templated function:
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
template <typename T> // Now, T is a type of variable, for this scope:
void say_something(T input) {
cout << input << "
int main(void) {
say_something(45); // Uses a int
say_something("Hello"); // Uses a string
say_something(90.5); // Uses a float/double
return 0;
template <class identifier> function_declaration;
template <typename identifier> function_declaration;
template <class Type>
void Swap( Type &x, Type &y)
Type Temp = x;
x = y;
y = Temp;
template <class T>
void foo(T a, T b) {
int x,y;
GetMax <int> (x,y);
// templates are used if the logic of function is same but
// it differs due to data type.
/*Here is an example to show how user defined function print
can be made to print data of different data types.*/
template <class T>
T print (T a)
cout << a;
int main()
namespace std {
template<typename t> struct hash<MyClass<t>>
size_t operator() (const MyClass<t>& c) const;
// You can also do things like
template<template<typename t> class type> func_name<type<t>>();
template <class T>//or <typename T> it´s the same
//T can be int, float, double, etc.
//simple use example:
T sum(T a, T b)
return a + b;
sum(5.0f, 10f);//sum using float
sum(2,3);//sum using int
Code Example |
Cpp :: map in cpp |
Cpp :: rotate an array of n elements to the right by k steps |
Cpp :: c++ set swap |
Cpp :: explicit c++ |
Cpp :: Nested if...else |
Cpp :: c++ template |
Cpp :: unpack tuple c++ |
Cpp :: c++ shell |
Cpp :: dice combinations cses solution |
Cpp :: opencv c++ feature detection |
Cpp :: take a function as an argument in c++ |
Cpp :: C++ Pi 4 Decimal |
Cpp :: initialising 2d vector |
Cpp :: C++ fibo |
Cpp :: max pooling in c++ |
Cpp :: program to swap max and min in matrix |
Cpp :: what is a variable in cpp |
Cpp :: accumulate in cpp |
Cpp :: remove something from stringstream |
Cpp :: C++ if...else...else if statement |
Cpp :: find an element in vector of pair c++ |
Cpp :: async multi thread |
Cpp :: string c++ |
Cpp :: concatenate string in cpp |
Cpp :: c language all keywords in string |
Cpp :: c++ last element of array |
Cpp :: cpp compiler online |
Cpp :: c++ add everything in a vector |
Cpp :: expresiones regulares español |
Cpp :: how to do if command in c++ |