#include <list>
auto it = yourList.begin();
std::advance(it, index);
std::cout << *it;
Code Example |
Cpp :: convert refference to pointer c++ |
Cpp :: cpp create multidimensional vector |
Cpp :: c++ initialize multidimensional vector |
Cpp :: sieve cpp |
Cpp :: c++ typing animation |
Cpp :: C++ std::string find and replace |
Cpp :: decltype in c++ |
Cpp :: c++ foreach |
Cpp :: splice string in c++ |
Cpp :: C++ cin cout |
Cpp :: how to rotate canvas android |
Cpp :: casting c++ |
Cpp :: input in c++ |
Cpp :: delete from front in vector c++ |
Cpp :: c++ call by reference |
Cpp :: how to find the sum of a vector c++ |
Cpp :: c++ vector push if not exist |
Cpp :: initialize vector of vector c++ |
Cpp :: what is thread in c++ |
Cpp :: how to append to a vector c++ |
Cpp :: concatenate two vectors c++ |
Cpp :: Header for INT_MIN |
Cpp :: vector to string cpp |
Cpp :: how to split string into words c++ |
Cpp :: power of a number |
Cpp :: sort vector from largest to smallest |
Cpp :: c++ thread |
Cpp :: inline c++ |
Cpp :: doubly linked list code in c++ |
Cpp :: Subarray with given sum in c++ |