

number of characters in c++ files

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    char ch;
    int words = 0, characters=0 , lines=0;

    ifstream file("myfile.txt");
    file.seekg(0,ios::end); // points to the end of file
    int length = file.tellg(); // returns the end of file's index , if its 0 then the file is empty

    if(!file) // checks the existence of file
        cout<< "file was not found ";

    if (length == 0)
        cout << "file is empty
        cout << "words = " <<words <<endl
             << "line = " <<lines <<endl
             << "characters = " << characters <<endl;

    file.seekg(0,ios::beg); // pointer set to beginning as it was pointing to the end
        while (file)
            if (ch == ' ')
                words ++; 

            if (ch == '
                lines ++;

            characters ++;
        cout<< "words = " <<words+1 <<endl // they are incremented to one because they were initialized to 0
            << "line = "  <<lines+1 <<endl
            << "characters = " << characters+1 <<endl;

        return 0;

        there might be a question that , what if there was no words or letters or line,
        the program will always give 1
        the answer is a no character case occurs if the file is empty
        since the program already checks for that case, its ggs

Code Example
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Source link
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