

SceneManagment by BuildIndex

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

// Show the buildIndex for the current script.
// The Build Settings window shows 5 added Scenes.  These have buildIndex values from
// 0 to 4. Each Scene has a version of this script applied.
// In the Project, create 5 Scenes called scene1, scene2, scene3, scene4 and scene5.
// In each Scene add an empty GameObject and attach this script to it.
// Each Scene randomly switches to a different Scene when the button is clicked.

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour
    Scene scene;

    void Start()
        scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
        Debug.Log("Active Scene name is: " + + "
Active Scene index: " + scene.buildIndex);

    void OnGUI()
    { = 20;

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 80, 180, 60), " Loading " + scene.buildIndex))
            int nextSceneIndex = Random.Range(0, 4);
            SceneManager.LoadScene(nextSceneIndex, LoadSceneMode.Single);

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Source link
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