string teststring = "";
string a = "String";
string b = a.Replace("i", "o"); // Strong
b = a.Insert(0, "My "); // My String
b = a.Remove(0, 3); // ing
b = a.Substring(0, 3); // Str
b = a.ToUpper(); // STRING
int i = a.Length; // 6
string strgroupids = "6";
string color = blue;
// Both versions do the same thing.
Console.WriteLine("The sky is " + color);
Console.WriteLine($"The sky is {color}");
//Note the dollar ^sign and ^curly^ brackets.
string stringNameHere = "insert text here";
string strgroupids = "6";
string strgroupids = "6";
string strgroupids = "6";