

advance selectors in css

/*Advanced selectors*/
    h2 + p  /*every paragraph that is after "h2" */
    textarea ~ button /*every button that is aftrer textarea with same parent (<form> is the same parent in this example)*/
    ul > li /*every signle "li" inside of the "ul"*/
    ul li /*every "li" that goes up to "ul"*/

/*Attribute selectors*/
    p[class="review"] /*all of paragraphs with review class on them*/
    img[href^="../my code guide/"] /*every image that starts with that addres (replacing "=" with"^=")*/
    img[href$="../my code guide/"] /* its end with this attribute*/
    img[href*="../my code guide/"] /*if its contain anywhere*/
    h1[class~="site-header"] /*only works with white space seperator*/
    h1[class|="subtitle"] /*selects ones that starts with "subtitle" or "subtitle" and "-" in following*/

advanced selectors in css

/*Advanced selectors*/
    h2 + p  /*every paragraph that is after "h2" */
    textarea ~ button /*every button that is aftrer textarea with same parent (<form> is the same parent in this example)*/
    ul > li /*every signle "li" inside of the "ul"*/
    ul li /*every "li" that goes up to "ul"*/

/*Attribute selectors*/
    p[class="review"] /*all of paragraphs with review class on them*/
    img[href^="../my code guide/"] /*every image that starts with that addres (replacing "=" with"^=")*/
    img[href$="../my code guide/"] /* its end with this attribute*/
    img[href*="../my code guide/"] /*if its contain anywhere*/
    h1[class~="site-header"] /*only works with white space seperator*/
    h1[class|="subtitle"] /*selects ones that start with "subtitle" or "subtitle" and "-" in following*/

Code Example
Css :: lando expose database port 
Css :: wp query not in category 
Css :: set custom cursor 
Css :: how to change color of hyperlink in css 
Css :: css hide select label 
Css :: sliding button css 
Css :: content url svg css 
Css :: Using a Python dict for a SQL INSERT statement 
Css :: How to add a pure css loading spinner 
Css :: css validator 
Css :: on class hover another class color change 
Css :: get element in list ocaml 
Css :: css gap 
Css :: scss import another file 
Css :: svg tailwind 
Css :: css nested scrollbars 
Css :: css box-sizing property 
Css :: the box model 
Css :: html color codes 
Css :: opposite of :not css 
Css :: padding 
Css :: fit image in grid css 
Css :: css code for margin 
Css :: css bottom:0 isnt the bottom of the page 
Css :: importer police de caractère ds css 
Css :: Hoow to open a css class in css 
Css :: delete files with help of .getignore 
Css :: how css is structured 
Css :: immagini con transizioni css bootstrap 
Css :: cons;0 ccs 
Source link
9+3 =