

div with no content have a width/height

  width: 40px;
  min-height: 40px;
  background: #FF0000;
  border-radius: 50%;

<! --- While using CSS, to style the div (content-less), the min-height property must be
set to "n"px to make the div visible (works with webkits and chrome, while not sure if this
trick will work on IE6 and lower) --->

Code Example
Css :: sticky form look blurred 
Css :: fit image inside css gid 
Css :: select all paragraph that contains image in css 
Css :: overriding fullpage js anchor style 
Css :: two file css how to get one 
Css :: set orientation using react-to-print 
Css :: combine binary numbers 
Css :: css grid exercise 
Css :: check browser support for css value 
Css :: how to add selector to another selector in css 
Css :: skip main content - keyboard accessible buttons on navbar - css 
Css :: change the bullet point color css 
Css :: next day 2pm delivery countdown timer script 
Css :: transition all except one property 
Css :: ios sms css 
Css :: forEach In a forEach method, we pass each food type within that iteration into the callback. A for loop needs you to access the array using a temporary i variable. 
Css :: Display the Widget Area 
Css :: material css navbar 
Css :: css cap rows paragraph 
Css :: decroation of title using css 
Css :: how to make textbox shorter in html 
Css :: array_splice method 
Css :: id selector 
Css :: what is a trailling widget in flutter 
Css :: fullcalendar react 
Css :: repeating-conic-gradient css 
Css :: customize checkbox 
Typescript :: sqlite3.ProgrammingError: SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread 
Typescript :: regex only digits and dots 
Typescript :: elements with the button role must be focusable 
Source link
1+8 =