<!-- a comment in html -->
<!-- Put your comment message -->
<!--This is a comment in html.-->
<!--You can put comments enywhere! It does not care if it is mid peice of
code in a peice of code! You must put the ending arrows in or it will
think everything is a comment! Note you can comment over multiple lines.
Use a ! at the start arrow, this may not make sence as the rest of
html uses tags where ! is at the ends.-->
<!-- This is a comment in html -->
This is a
comment in
<!-- this will be ignored -->
<!-- HTML multiline comment --!>
/* CSS multiline comment */
# Pyhton comment
// Javascript/C comment
/* Javascrpit/C multiline comment */
<!-- your comment goes here -->
<!-- short comment -->
<!-- loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong comment -->
<!-- Comments won't be shown on the page or effect the code but will remain in website code. Useful for commenting what is the code for -->
<!-- This is the first comment, it won't be shown on a page -->
<h1>And this is a header. It will be fully visible.</h1>
Multiline comment.
You can place a lot of information there.
Maybe even a whole book.
<!-- This text is commented in html -->
<!-- Example Comment -->
<!-- Write comment here -->
<!-- This is HTML -->
/* This is CSS */
// This is CSS to
<!-- HTML comment
any line -->
/* CSS comment
any line */
// Javascript comment single line
/* Javascript comment
multiline */
<p>This text is visible. Check the source code for multi-line comment.</p>
Hello, world! I am a comment and I am
displayed in multiple lines!
<! –– and the comment closes with ––>
#You need mix html comments tag and ruby comments tag :
'#' and '<!-- -->'
<!-- This is how you comment in HTML -->
<!-- html comment -->
<!--this is a comment-->
<!--<!~~this is a nested comment~~>-->
this is a multi-line comment and is the only way to comment in html
However you can put them on the same line
<!-- i am a comment -->
<h1> This is line runs normally </h1>
<!-- This line is a comment, it doesn't run -->
<!--HTML Comment Example! HTML Comments do not affect your code in
any way, comments can be used to take notes to yourself, or if you
are working with a team, this could be a good way to communicate
without messing up any of your code. Comments will not be shown
in your HTML webpage. -->
<!-- Comment comes here -->
<!-- a comment in html that esey to see -->
<!-- Comments go in here. -->
<!-- questo è un commento -->
<!-- Your Message to your crush -->
The above message is always ignored
If you want to make a comment in html, you do this
<!-- This is a comment --> This is outside the comment
This is useful if you want to make notes in your code:
<a href="https://www.google.com">Google</a> <!-- This link sends the user to Google -->
<!-- here is how to use comment in htm -->
<!-- das ist ein Kommentar-Tag -->
<!-- your Comment inside these tags -->
<!-- Write your Comment Here -->
<!-- Notice: that there is an exclamation point (!) in the start tag, but not in the end tag. -->
<!-- here is how to use comment in html -->