

design college website using html

HTML CODE: <html> <head><center>ALL STYLE SHEETS</center> <title>USE of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL STYLESHEETS </title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="xyz.css" type="text/css"> <style type="text/css"> .vid{font-family:verdana;font-style:italic;color:red;text-align:center} .ani{font-family:tahoma;font-style:italic;font-size:20;text-align:center;} font{font-family:georgia;color:blue;font-size:20} ul{list-style-type:circle} </style> </head> <body> <ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha"> <b>A. GROUP OF COLLEGES</b><br><br><br> <li>Raj Engineering College <li>Dr University and Research Institute <li>Raj College of Engineering,Bangalore <li>Tamilnadu College of Arts and Science </ol> <p style="font-size:20pt;color:purple">A.C.S GROUP OF COLLEGES</p> <p class="ani">CSS Group of colleges is owned by XXX.<br>It is approvedby International Council It is affliated to JKK University.<br></p> <h2 class="vid">DES College of Engg</h2> <br> <font>It is an ISO certified Institution</font><br> <br> <font> List of Courses offered <ul> <li>Computer Science and Engineering</li> <li>Ece</li> <li>mech</li> <li>eee</li> </ul> </font> Results of cse students <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="5"> <tr> <th>S.NAME</th> <th>MARKS</th> <th>RESULT</th> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">Dinesh</td> <td align="center">100</td> <td align="center">pass</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">Bala</td> <td align="center">99</td> <td align="center">pass</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">Gopi</td> <td align="center">98</td> <td align="center">pass</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>

Code Example
Html :: html insert link text with hover color 
Html :: visa card 
Html :: run html file from terminal 
Html :: docusign alternative 
Html :: add link to text using span html 
Html :: text process bar wpf 
Html :: js twice button click 
Html :: react hooks html onchange two functions 
Html :: gambar internal html 
Html :: how to put a name to anchor in html 
Html :: hCards 
Html :: bootstrap 4 vertical tabs responsive 
Html :: Adding multiple audio content in HTML5 
Html :: is html dead 
Html :: html commenting 
Html :: meta og tags 
Html :: change td color html 
Html :: html file paths 
Html :: html problem finder 
Css :: reset a tag css 
Css :: remove styles button 
Css :: How to create a dotted hr 
Css :: css a link remove underline 
Css :: change color of bullet points css 
Css :: how to stop an image repeating in css 
Css :: media query for mobile view css 
Css :: Centering a div of unknown height and width 
Css :: css keep background image from scrolling 
Css :: diable focus button css 
Css :: calc sass variables 
Source link
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