

Big Decimal Example

// Java Program to illustrate BigDecimal Class
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class BigDecimalExample
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        // Create two new BigDecimals
        BigDecimal bd1 = 
               new BigDecimal("124567890.0987654321");
        BigDecimal bd2 = 
               new BigDecimal("987654321.123456789");
        // Addition of two BigDecimals
        bd1 = bd1.add(bd2);
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);
        // Multiplication of two BigDecimals
        bd1 = bd1.multiply(bd2);
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);
        // Subtraction of two BigDecimals
        bd1 = bd1.subtract(bd2);
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);
        // Division of two BigDecimals
        bd1 = bd1.divide(bd2);
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);
        // BigDecima1 raised to the power of 2
        bd1 = bd1.pow(2);
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);
        // Negate value of BigDecimal1
        bd1 = bd1.negate();
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);

Big Decimal Example

// Java Program to illustrate BigDecimal Class
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class BigDecimalExample
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        // Create two new BigDecimals
        BigDecimal bd1 = 
               new BigDecimal("124567890.0987654321");
        BigDecimal bd2 = 
               new BigDecimal("987654321.123456789");
        // Addition of two BigDecimals
        bd1 = bd1.add(bd2);
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);
        // Multiplication of two BigDecimals
        bd1 = bd1.multiply(bd2);
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);
        // Subtraction of two BigDecimals
        bd1 = bd1.subtract(bd2);
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);
        // Division of two BigDecimals
        bd1 = bd1.divide(bd2);
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);
        // BigDecima1 raised to the power of 2
        bd1 = bd1.pow(2);
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);
        // Negate value of BigDecimal1
        bd1 = bd1.negate();
        System.out.println("BigDecimal1 = " + bd1);

BigDecimal1 = 1112222211.2222222211
BigDecimal1 = 1098491072963113850.7436076939614540479
BigDecimal1 = 1098491071975459529.6201509049614540479
BigDecimal1 = 1112222210.2222222211
BigDecimal1 = 1237038244911605079.77528397755061728521
BigDecimal1 = -1237038244911605079.77528397755061728521

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