

Java Method Overriding

class Animal {
   public void displayInfo() {
      System.out.println("I am an animal.");

class Dog extends Animal {
   public void displayInfo() {
      System.out.println("I am a dog.");

class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Dog d1 = new Dog();

Method Overriding in java

public class Multi{ //Super class
public void multi(){
Public class Multiplication extends Multi(){
Public void multi(){
Public static void main(String args[]){
Multi multiplication = new Multiplication(); //Polimorphism is applied
multiplication.multi(); // It calls the Sub class add() method

method overriding java

Method Overloading: 
Access modifier can be same or different, 
Return-Type can be same or different, 
Parameters MUST be different, Method name MUST be same, 
any method can be overloaded

Method Overriding:
After a method is inherited it is possible to change 
the implantation of the method in the child class. 
This concept is called overriding. 
Method name, Parameter, and Return-Type MUST be same
access modifier MUST be same or more visible, 
MUST happen in the sub class, 
ONLY the instance methods can be overridden
@Override annotation MUST be applicable. 
Static and Constructor cannot be override.
We can use the @Override annotation before the method 
to declare the overriding.
EXAMPLE: get method WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); 
driver.get("URL") ==> opens the url from chrome 

what is method overriding in java

Overriding means same method name and same parameter, 
occur in different class that has 
inheritance relationship. 
we use method overriding to implement 
specific functionality to the method. 

Code Example
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