

inheritance in oop

to inherite all properties of parent class into itself is called inheritance
it is alse kown as "is-a" relationship 

types of inheritance supported by java :::
    1. single      (one class pro to other) 
    2. multilevel  (one class pro to a and a class to b class pro to another)
    3. hierarical  (one class pro to a class and b class)


Code Example
Java :: java suppresswarnings unchecked 
Java :: how to check palindrome in java 
Java :: render problem in android studio 
Java :: retrieving parent element from child aWebelement selenium java 
Java :: different types of variables in java 
Java :: how to draw a rectangle in libgdx 
Java :: quicksort for arraylist 
Java :: how to use user uid in android 
Java :: jsonArray to list in java 
Java :: HOW TO PARSE a string into a number in java 
Java :: lombok maven plugin 
Java :: cast java 
Java :: how to use while loop in java 
Java :: pre increment and post increments java 
Java :: check first character of string is number java 
Java :: android get last crash adb 
Java :: how to create a gui in java 
Java :: java string get ith char 
Java :: input file in java 
Java :: view all certificates from keystore java 
Java :: mock ParameterizedTypeReference 
Java :: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql 
Java :: enum values to string array 
Java :: android java textview weight programmatically 
Java :: how to check if a person pressed a buuton in jframe 
Java :: Loop in singly linked list 
Java :: convert class to java 
Java :: java multithreading 
Java :: print anything in java 
Java :: deserialize list jackson 
Source link
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