

java implement interface

// Assume we have the simple interface:
interface Appendable {
	void append(string content);
// We can implement it like that:
class SimplePrinter implements Appendable {
 	public void append(string content) {
// ... and maybe like that:
class FileWriter implements Appendable {
 	public void append(string content) {
   		// Appends content into a file 
// Both classes are Appendable.

Java Interface

// interface
interface Animal {
  public void animalSound(); // interface method (does not have a body)
  public void run(); // interface method (does not have a body)

interface in java

An interface can contain:

public constants;
abstract methods without an implementation (the keyword abstract is not required here);
default methods with implementation (the keyword default is required);
static methods with implementation (the keyword static is required);
private methods with implementation.
Java 9 onwards, you can include private methods in interfaces. Before Java 9 
it was not possible.
An interface can't contain fields (only constants), constructors,
 or non-public abstract methods.
The keyword abstract before a method means that the method does not have a
body, it just declares a signature.

interface in java

the main idea of an interface is declaring functionality.
Suppose you program a game that has several types of characters.
These characters are able to move within a map. That is represented by Movable

interface in java

interface Interface {
    int INT_CONSTANT = 0; // it's a constant, the same as public static final int INT_FIELD = 0
    void instanceMethod1();
    void instanceMethod2();
    static void staticMethod() {
        System.out.println("Interface: static method");
    default void defaultMethod() {
        System.out.println("Interface: default method. It can be overridden");

    private void privateMethod() {
        System.out.println("Interface: private methods in interfaces are acceptable but should have a body");
Static, default, and private methods should have an implementation in the interface!

java define interface

/* File name : */
interface Animal {
   public void eat();
   public void travel();

interface in java

In many cases, it is more important to know what an object can do,instead of 
how it does what it does. This is a reason why interfaces are commonly used for
declaring a type of variable.
 interface : DrawingTool : a tool can draw
 interface DrawingTool {
    void draw(Curve curve);
DrawingTool pencil = new Pencil();
DrawingTool brush = new Brush();
Both Pencil and brush class should implement draw method

Code Example
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Java :: resizing ImageIcon in JButton java 
Java :: Java Create a BufferedInputStream 
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Java :: string to char 
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Java :: Implementation of TreeMap Class in Java map 
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Java :: Java No-Arg Constructors 
Java :: java stack verification failed 
Java :: java clear scanner 
Java :: t implements comparable 
Java :: null java 
Java :: java load jar at runtime 
Java :: sort java array 
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