

java naming convention acronyms

For Java:

For 4+ letter acronyms, use mixed case. The standard library does this, and it just makes good sense.

For 3 letter acronyms, you can use all uppercase like the JCL, or you can use mixed case like the .NET Framework does. Either way, be consistent.

For 2 letter acronyms, use all uppercase.

For 2 letter abbreviations, Java does not really have a standard, but I suggest using mixed case, unless consistency with other names would make all uppercase look better.

Code Example
Java :: java private keyword 
Java :: java was started but returned exit code=13 
Java :: how to implement count steps in android 
Java :: reading data from wsdl in java 
Java :: how to get address of object in java 
Java :: ignore sonarlint line java 
Java :: java print color in console eclipse 
Java :: system.out.println int in java concatenate 
Java :: val kotlin to Java 
Java :: sealed class in kotlin example 
Java :: efficient generic duplicate finding class java 
Java :: could not initialize defaultkotlinsourcesetkt intelij 
Java :: buat tetris dari java 
Java :: 3x+1 in java 
Java :: integer to roman 
Java :: timer tick java 
Java :: compare list from db and list from request 
Java :: how to secure specific url in spring security 
Java :: create object of hashMap 
Java :: JAVA Print Concatenated Strings 
Java :: java i/o streams 
Java :: open youtube in landscape mode on button click in android progmatically 
Java :: how to get the width and height of display device in java 
Java :: SpringBootStarter maven dependency 
Java :: Accesses Constructor of Abstract Classes 
Java :: plantuml java 
Java :: Sample NavigableMap 
Java :: 2 multiples recursion 
Java :: clear method does not work selenium java 
Java :: null pointer exception during registering user to the firebase 
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