

api testing

JSON API - URL for user testing

API testing example

In my last project. I did API testing for an internal project 
employee info Old application exposed the restful api for easy 
integration with other apps so I tested the app functionality 
works in api layer. I have experience both in testing and 
automating in Postman and automating using RestAssured Library

how do you test api in your project?

I have worked on API testing in my project and I used
POSTMAN for manually testing and REST ASSURED
java LIBRARY for automation.
I used JDBC and it is a Java-based data access technology
used for Java database connectivity. It provides classes and
interfaces to connect or communicate Java application with
JDBC API is a Java API that can access any kind of data
stored in a Relational Database. It enables Java programs to
execute SQL statements.

have you done api testing

I have worked on API testing in my project and I used
POSTMAN for manually testing and REST ASSURED
java LIBRARY for automation.
I used JDBC and it is a Java-based data access technology
used for Java database connectivity. It provides classes and
interfaces to connect or communicate Java application with
JDBC API is a Java API that can access any kind of data
stored in a Relational Database. It enables Java programs to
execute SQL statements.

What is an API testing?

API testing is a set of quality assurance actions that include making calls to an API endpoint, getting API responses, and validating API status codes, response times, and data against predefined rules. API testing is usually performed by a software tool or web service and mainly focuses on testing the business logic layer.

what to test in api

Basicall we are checking response body
to verify if request matches with response.
After that we are writing SQL query
to double check if database matches.
We can say happy path if all pass

what to test in api

Request Payload has
ENDPOINT (Specific URL where we send our requests to a certain web service. )
METHOD (Get•Post•Put•Patch•Delete)
HEADERS(Represents the metadata of request
or response. Like basically we can verify
the object type we are sending etc  )
PARAMETERS(Parameters are to specifiying 
even more about the request we are sending 
like what specific resources needs to be returned etc.)
BODY(Body is where we sent or received the request we made)
For the repsonse 
Basically we are checking response body
to verify if request matches with response.
In the response we are verifying
(body, status code, header, response time,
 test structure of json against the given jsonSchema)


Code Example
Javascript :: value change event jquery 
Javascript :: vuejs bootsrap modal hidden event 
Javascript :: javascript check if dom element 
Javascript :: get random entry from array javascript 
Javascript :: type of data model mongodb 
Javascript :: js object get type 
Javascript :: rror: btoa is not defined 
Javascript :: JavaScript function that generates all combinations of a string. 
Javascript :: serving html file using node.js 
Javascript :: mongodb sort query 
Javascript :: vue js copy text to clipboard 
Javascript :: react native run ios release 
Javascript :: get url react 
Javascript :: Removing Service Workers Programmatically 
Javascript :: chartjs Uncaught ReferenceError: Utils is not defined 
Javascript :: change theme in react-toastify 
Javascript :: unix timestamp to date javascript yyyy-mm-dd 
Javascript :: javascript make async get request 
Javascript :: javascript reset form 
Javascript :: nextjs multer rename file 
Javascript :: n javascript 
Javascript :: open xcode shorthand react native 
Javascript :: npm shrinkwrap primordials 
Javascript :: Reverse numbers from an array in javascript 
Javascript :: SEQUELIZE OR 
Javascript :: react in laravel 
Javascript :: sequelize findone 
Javascript :: get unique array javascript 
Javascript :: how to make button disabled in jquery before send 
Javascript :: React JS CDN Links 
Source link
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