


App shell is a way to render a portion of your application using a route at build time.
This gives users a meaningful first paint of your application that appears quickly because the browser can render static HTML and CSS without the need to initialize JavaScript.

You can use the Angular CLI to generate an app shell.
This can improve the user experience by quickly launching a static rendered page while the browser downloads the full client version and switches to it automatically after the code loads.
A static rendered page is a skeleton common to all pages

Code Example
Javascript :: nestjs prisma controller 
Javascript :: prisma usersWithZeroPosts 
Javascript :: javascrit loop array 
Javascript :: Update A Request() Property 
Javascript :: How to sum to small numbers 
Javascript :: check token balance of an address using web3 
Javascript :: useState increase Likes 
Javascript :: get images from mysql with php jquery ajax and display them in html page inside DIVs 
Javascript :: How to Loop Through an Array with a do…while Loop in JavaScript 
Javascript :: use spread operator in max method javascript 
Javascript :: verify if user input is equal to javascript 
Javascript :: how to render react quill the way it is without the html tags 
Javascript :: How to redirect to login page if not logged in javascript 
Javascript :: adding javascript object within array in the middle position 
Javascript :: get number of new document firebasse 
Javascript :: jquery loop through model list 
Javascript :: how to check the validation of time in react datetime 
Javascript :: jquery textarea value 
Javascript :: hello world js 
Javascript :: math.ceil node js 
Javascript :: dart to json 
Javascript :: socket io server 
Javascript :: join text javascript 
Javascript :: check for null 
Javascript :: what f a number exceeding 2^53 in javascript 
Javascript :: javascript arrow function syntax 
Javascript :: javascript Assigning to a new property on a non-extensible object is not allowed 
Javascript :: httpclient post raw json body 
Javascript :: jquery put value in table 
Javascript :: flip image on y axis phaser 
Source link
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