

what is app.use() used for

//app.get will see only exact match ex.> "/book" here app.get will not allow /book/1, etc 
//but app.use is different see below

//what is difference between app.use and app.all
//app.use takes only 1 callback while app.all takes multiple callbacks
//app.use will only see whether url starts with specified path But, app.all() will match the complete path

app.use( "/book" , middleware);
// will match /book
// will match /book/author
// will match /book/subject

app.all( "/book" , handler);
// will match /book
// won't match /book/author   
// won't match /book/subject    

app.all( "/book/*" , handler);
// won't match /book        
// will match /book/author
// will match /book/subject

Code Example
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Source link
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