

how to run a react app

# to create a react app,
 1. you first need to install npx
     > npm install npx
 2. to create a react app using npx,
     > npx create-react-app app-name
 3. open app-name folder in vs code,
 4. open vs code terminal and write,
     > npm start

command to start a new react app using vite

npm create vite@latest my-react-app -- --template react

how to run a react app

if you have all the codesin a folder then on the folder in your IDE follow steps bellow-
npm install -(will install all the nodejs dependencies required for that pertical project)
npm start

Code Example
Javascript :: javascript find index 
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Javascript :: Vue JS Production mode refresh causing 404 error 
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Javascript :: moment format heure 
Javascript :: react eslint 
Javascript :: swap numbers in javascript 
Javascript :: javascript change select element 
Javascript :: Remove duplicate items in an array 
Javascript :: reactjs framer motion 
Javascript :: DC League of Super-Pets 
Javascript :: mongoose find multiple and delete 
Javascript :: line separator with text in the center react native 
Javascript :: mongoose bulk create 
Javascript :: render first index active tabs in reactjs 
Javascript :: setimeout 
Javascript :: javascript slice method 
Javascript :: lodash find all in array 
Javascript :: javascript validate if string null undefined empty 
Javascript :: class javascript 
Javascript :: javascript remove last charter stings 
Javascript :: js remove all child elements from html 
Javascript :: get id in url params 
Javascript :: map keys to list node js 
Javascript :: Conditionally pass props to react component 
Javascript :: jquery for element which doesnt exist on page load 
Javascript :: this in javascript 
Source link
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