import React, { Component } from "react";
// import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import HTML5Backend from "react-dnd-html5-backend";
import { DragDropContext as dragDropContext } from "react-dnd";
import DragBox from "./DragBox";
import DropBox from "./DropBox";
class MainContext extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div style={{ borderStyle: "solid" }}>
<p style={{ padding: "0px 10px" }}>Main Context</p>
<DragBox />
<DropBox />
module.exports = dragDropContext(HTML5Backend)(MainContext);
Code Example |
Javascript :: chess |
:: |
:: |
Javascript :: nodejs file exists |
Javascript :: automatically scroll to bottom of page javascript |
Javascript :: javascript check if file exists on server |
Javascript :: MongooseError: The `uri` parameter to `openUri()` must be a string, got "undefined". Make sure the first parameter to `mongoose.connect()` or `mongoose.createConnection()` is a string. |
Javascript :: discord.js ban command |
Javascript :: datepicker strart with monday |
:: |
Javascript :: javascript text new line |
Javascript :: |
Javascript :: next js material ui typescript |
:: |
:: |
:: |
Javascript :: |
Javascript :: |
Javascript :: ignore node modules |
Javascript :: |
Javascript :: vuejs bootsrap modal hidden event |
:: vuejs get the url params withour router |
:: basic server on node.js |
:: |
Javascript :: |
Javascript :: route pass props to component |
:: |
Javascript :: |
:: convert number to word js |
:: |