

how to create a website with javascript

To create a website using Javascript you must consider to use a framework like:
- React
- Angular
- Vue

Personnally I use React, Angular is a little bit messy but is good too, 
I've never deeply tried to use Vue so make your own opinion about this one !

Otherwise, you can try something like Svelte or Vanilla Javascript.
It can seems a little bit difficult but when you get it, it's easy.

create a simple website using javascript

<!-- How to Import a JS File --><script src="pathToFile/fileName.js"></script><!-- How to Write a Function -->function functionName() {	// body of the function}<!-- How to Change CSS of an ID on the Page -->document.getElementById("idName") = 'value';<!-- How to Run a Function on Button Click -->< button onclick="functionName()">buttonName</button><!-- Create a Variable -->var nameOfVariable = value;<!-- How to Use an If-Statement -->if (condition) {	// do this if the condition is true}<!-- How to Set Text of an HTML Element in JS -->document.getElementById("idName").innerHTML = 'newTextInElt'

how to make a website with html and javascript

i was searching and i was gonna right the answer mate whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Code Example
Javascript :: js setinterval vs settimeout 
Javascript :: javascript find similar strings 
Javascript :: annotation 
Javascript :: toFixed() javascript precision 
Javascript :: remove duplicates in array 
Javascript :: sequelize select fields 
Javascript :: javascript render jsx element x many times 
Javascript :: js stringify 
Javascript :: office check in 
Javascript :: convert multidimensional array to string javascript 
Javascript :: search a word and separate in javascript 
Javascript :: loop inside react js 
Javascript :: refresh a single component 
Javascript :: anguler test submit form 
Javascript :: find if two elements in array sum to given integer js 
Javascript :: js filter array of objects by another object 
Javascript :: vuejs v-model select 
Javascript :: sum of array javascript 
Javascript :: ng-class equivalent in react 
Javascript :: update array of objects with use state 
Javascript :: add background image react native 
Javascript :: js object sort 
Javascript :: how to call a function in react with arguments onclick 
Javascript :: mongoose remove data 
Javascript :: how to get location javascript 
Javascript :: compare between two arrays javascript 
Javascript :: createelement with id 
Javascript :: check radio button jquery 
Javascript :: what is linter javascript 
Javascript :: javascript insertbefore 
Source link
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