// `form-data` library gives us a similar API in Node.js to the `FormData` interface in the browser
const FormData = require('form-data');
// Create a new form instance
const form = new FormData();
// Append text fields to the form
form.append('productName', 'Node.js Stickers');
form.append('productDescription', 'Cool collection of Node.js stickers for your laptop.');
// `file` can either be a Buffer or a Stream
// ⚠️ don't forget the 3rd argument, the file name, when appending a file
form.append('productImage', file, 'stickers.jpg');
const form = document.getElementById('form');
const formData = new FormData(form);
const output = document.getElementById('output');
for (const [key, value] of formData) {
output.textContent += `${key}: ${value}