

get call log in react native android

import { PermissionsAndroid } from 'react-native';import CallLogs from 'react-native-call-log'  componentDidMount =  async() => {    try {      const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request(        PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.READ_CALL_LOG,        {          title: 'Call Log Example',          message:            'Access your call logs',          buttonNeutral: 'Ask Me Later',          buttonNegative: 'Cancel',          buttonPositive: 'OK',        }      )      if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) {        console.log(CallLogs);        CallLogs.load(5).then(c => console.log(c));      } else {        console.log('Call Log permission denied');      }    }    catch (e) {      console.log(e);    }   }

get call log in react native with filter android

/* List call logs matching the filter */
const filter = {
  minTimestamp: 1571835032,    // (Number or String) timestamp in milliseconds since UNIX epoch
                               // if this filter is set, load(limit, filter) will only return call logs with timestamp >= minTimestamp

  maxTimestamp: 1571835033,    // (Number or String) timestamp in milliseconds since UNIX epoch
                               // if this filter is set, load(limit, filter) will only return call logs with timestamp <= maxTimestamp

  phoneNumbers: '+1234567890', // (String or an Array of String)
                               // if this filter is set, load(limit, filter) will only return call logs for this/these phone numbers

const callLogs = await CallLogs.load(-1, filter) // applies filter with no limit (also works with a limit)

Code Example
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Source link
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