var curr = new Date; // get current date
var first = curr.getDate() - curr.getDay(); // First day is the day of the month - the day of the week
var last = first + 6; // last day is the first day + 6
var firstday = new Date(curr.setDate(first)).toUTCString();
var lastday = new Date(curr.setDate(last)).toUTCString();
"Sun, 06 Mar 2011 12:25:40 GMT"
"Sat, 12 Mar 2011 12:25:40 GMT"
let wDate = new Date();
let dDay = wDate.getDay() > 0 ? wDate.getDay() : 7;
let first = wDate.getDate() - dDay + 1;
let firstDayWeek = new Date(wDate.setDate(first));
let lastDayWeek = new Date(wDate.setDate(firstDayWeek.getDate()+6));
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