// Get the last word of a string.let str ="What I hate most in the world is fanaticism.";// 1) The slice() method: without Considering the punctuation marks
str.slice(str.lastIndexOf(' '));// => 'fanaticism.'// 2) the spit() method():let arr = str.split(' ');
arr[arr.length-1];// => 'fanaticism.'// Considering the punctuation marks at the end of the string
str.match(/(w+)W*$/)[1];// => 'fanaticism'
how to find the last word of a string in javascript
// To get the last "Word" of a string use the following code :let string ='I am a string'let splitString = string.split(' ')let lastWord = splitString[splitString.length-1]console.log(lastWord)/*
Explanation : Here we just split the string whenever there is a space and we get an array. After that we simply use .length -1 to get the last word contained in that array that is also the last word of the string.
const myString ="linto.yahoo.com.";const stringLength = myString.length;// this will be 16console.log('lastChar: ', myString.charAt(stringLength -1));// this will be the stringRun code snippet
// strips all punctuation and returns the last word of a string// hyphens (-) aren't stripped, add the hyphen to the regex to strip it as wellfunctionlastWord(words){let n = words.replace(/[[]?.,/#!$%^&*;:{}=|_~()]/g,"").split(" ");return n[n.length-1];}
//Gettimg the last character of an unknown string;//using function Expression;constgettingLastChar=function(userInput){return userInput.substring(userInput.length-1);//for Debugging;let letsDebug =`${userInput.substring(userInput.length-1)}`;console.log(letsDebug);}
find the length and the last character of string in js
// Get The Length Of The String.functionstrLength(x){var counter =0;while(x[counter]!==undefined){
counter++;}return counter;}var str =prompt("Write your string ...",'');// Get String From User.varThe_Length=strLength(str);// var lastChar = counter -1;// The Index Of Last Letter.console.log(`The Length Of Your String is ${counter}`);console.log(`The Last Char In Your String Is ${str[lastChar]}`);