

how to create monorapo project in angular 8

  |  |
  |  ---app1/
  |  |
  |  ---app2/
  |  |
  |  ---src/
  |  |
  |  ---src/

how to create monorapo project in angular 8

"scripts": {  "ng": "ng",  "start:Core": "ng serve --port 4444",  #start CoreApp in dev mode*  "start:app1": "ng serve app1 --port 4422", #start App1 in dev mode  "start:app2": "ng serve app2 --port 4423", #start App2 in dev mode  "build:core": "ng build --prod --stats-json", #build CoreApp  "build:admin-lib": "ng build admin-lib", #build admin-lib library  "build:app1": "ng build app1", # build App1  "build:app2": "ng build app2", # build App2  "test:core": "ng test",  # run jasmine unit tests for CoreApp  "test:app1": "ng test app1", # run jasmine unit tests for App1  "test:app2": "ng test app2", # run jasmine unit tests for App2  "lint:core": "ng lint",  # run lint unit tests for CoreApp  "lint:app1": "ng lint app1", # run lint unit tests for App1  "lint:app2": "ng lint app2", # run lint unit tests for App2  "e2e": "ng e2e"},

how to create monorapo project in angular 8

import {AdminLibModule} from 'admin-lib';

Code Example
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Source link
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