

CSRF token in js

You are not sending the server generated csrf_token for the POST to verify the validity of the data. Hence the error.

As a part of the data part of the request, you need to send the token

csrfmiddlewaretoken: '{{ csrf_token }}' 
Something like this

var data = {
    url: item.find("#id_url").val(),
    title: item.find("#id_title").val(),
    tags: item.find("#id_tags").val(),
    csrfmiddlewaretoken: '{{ csrf_token }}' 

Or you could simply do:

var data = $('form').serialize()
if you want to send the whole form as a dictionary

how to get csrf token in javascript

<input type="hidden" name="csrftoken" value="hgdillksdbgjksdbkvbskb">

how to get csrf token in javascript

csrftoken = document.mainform.csrftoken.value;
# Do something with the CSRF token, like add dynamic values, like sha256(csrftoken + "dynamicvalue");
document.mainform.csrftoken.value = csrftoken;

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