

how to start react project

npm i npx
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start

how to run a react app

# to create a react app,
 1. you first need to install npx
     > npm install npx
 2. to create a react app using npx,
     > npx create-react-app app-name
 3. open app-name folder in vs code,
 4. open vs code terminal and write,
     > npm start

how to run a react app

if you have all the codesin a folder then on the folder in your IDE follow steps bellow-
npm install -(will install all the nodejs dependencies required for that pertical project)
npm start

Code Example
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Javascript :: json server 
Javascript :: javascript regex escape forward slash 
Javascript :: js trigger mouseover 
Javascript :: if statement es6 
Javascript :: how to show only time in hours and minutes only in javascript 
Javascript :: redirecting to a different route if user is logged in 
Javascript :: js email regex 
Javascript :: json parse array local storage 
Javascript :: jquery button text 
Javascript :: react get current date yyyy-mm-dd 
Javascript :: how to copy text in the clipboard in js 
Javascript :: react redux wait for props 
Javascript :: username validation formik react yup 
Javascript :: push element to array to first place js 
Javascript :: how to get file size in node js 
Javascript :: angular add object to array 
Javascript :: import resolver path react 
Javascript :: react native android run 
Javascript :: string length jquery 
Javascript :: javascript create script tag 
Javascript :: javascript swap two variables 
Javascript :: vue get props into data 
Javascript :: how to find the last item in a javascript object 
Javascript :: add leading spaced in string javascript 
Javascript :: difference between shift and unshift in javascript 
Javascript :: are you sure javascript 
Javascript :: remove element from array in an immutable way 
Javascript :: aos js 
Source link
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