

remove empty values from array javascript

var array = [0, 1, null, 2, "", 3, undefined, 3,,,,,, 4,, 4,, 5,, 6,,,,];

var filtered = array.filter(function (el) {
  return el != null;


array remove empty entrys js

const filterArray=(a,b)=>{return a.filter((e)=>{return e!=b})}
let array = ["a","b","","d","","f"];

console.log(filterArray(array,""));//>> ["a","b","d","f"]

remove empty element from array js

var fruits = ['orange', 'citron', 'banane', null, 'noix', '', undefined, 'fraise'];
var fruits_filtre = fruits.filter( function(val){return val !== ''} );

javascript remove empty array

const arr = ["Hello", "", "king", "", "queen", "",  "early"];

const result =  arr.filter(e =>  e);

console.log(result); // ["Hello", "king", "queen", "early"]

javascript empty array

arr = [];   // set array=[]

const empty = arr => arr.length = 0;
var arr= [1,2,3,4,5];
empty(arr) // arr=[]

javascript empty array

var colors = ["red","blue","green"];
    colors = []; //empty the array

empty array js

arr = [];

javascript empty array

A = [];

empty array js

let list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
function empty() {
    //empty your array
    list.length = 0;

empty array js

// define Array
let list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
function empty() {
    //empty your array
    list = [];

empty array javascript

let myArray = [12 , 222 , 1000 ];  
myArray.length = 0; // myArray will be equal to [].

Empty an Array in JavaScript

// 1) Assigning it to a new empty array
// This is the fastest way to empty an array:
a = [];

// This code assigned the array a to a new empty array. It works perfectly if you do not have any references to the original array.
// See the following example:
let b = a;
a = [];
console.log(b); // [1,2,3]

// Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
// In this example, first, the b variable references the array a. Then, the a is assigned to an empty array. The original array still remains unchanged.

// 2) Setting its length to zero
// The second way to empty an array is to set its length to zero:
a.length = 0;

// The length property is read/write property of an Array object. When the length property is set to zero, all elements of the array are automatically deleted.

// 3) Using splice() method
// The third way to empty an array is to remove all of its elements using the splice() method as shown in the following example:

// Code language: CSS (css)
// In this solution, the splice() method removed all the elements of the a array and returned the removed elements as an array.

// 4) Using pop() method
// The fourth way to empty an array is to remove each element of the array one by one using the while loop and pop() method:

while(a.length > 0) {

javascript empty array

var arr1 = ['a','b','c','d','e','f'];
var arr2 = arr1;  // Reference arr1 by another variable 
arr1 = [];
console.log(arr2); // Output ['a','b','c','d','e','f']

Empty an Array in JavaScript

// 1) Assigning it to a new empty array
// This is the fastest way to empty an array:

a = [];
// This code assigned the array a to a new empty array. It works perfectly if you do not have any references to the original array.

// See the following example:

let b = a;
a = [];

console.log(b); // [1,2,3]
// Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
// In this example, first, the b variable references the array a. Then, the a is assigned to an empty array. The original array still remains unchanged.

2) Setting its length to zero
// The second way to empty an array is to set its length to zero:

a.length = 0;
// The length property is read/write property of an Array object. When the length property is set to zero, all elements of the array are automatically deleted.

// 3) Using splice() method
// The third way to empty an array is to remove all of its elements using the splice() method as shown in the following example:


// Code language: CSS (css)
// In this solution, the splice() method removed all the elements of the a array and returned the removed elements as an array.

// 4) Using pop() method
// The fourth way to empty an array is to remove each element of the array one by one using the while loop and pop() method:

while(a.length > 0) {

empty array javascript

// set array
arr = [1,2,4];

// empty array
arr = [];

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