

js new date short format

(new Date()).toLocaleDateString(); // Local format

(new Date()).toLocaleDateString('en-US'); // "en-US" gives date in US Format - mm/dd/yy

javascript Short and Long date format

// short date format "MM/DD/YYYY"
const date = new Date("03/25/2015");
console.log(date); // Wed Mar 25 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0545

// long date format "MMM DD YYYY"
const date1 = new Date("Jul 1 2020");
console.log(date1); // Wed Jul 01 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0545

// month and day can be in any order
const date2 = new Date("1 Jul 2020");
console.log(date2); // Wed Jul 01 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0545

// month can be full or abbreviated. Also month names are insensitive.
// comma are ignored
const date3 = new Date("July 1 2020");
console.log(date3); // Wed Jul 01 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0545

const date4 = new Date("JULY, 1, 2020");
console.log(date4); // Wed Jul 01 2020 00:00:00

Code Example
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