

longest word javascript

function solution(text) {
    return text.match(/[a-zA-Z]+/g).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length)[0];

find longest word in string javascript

 function data(str){
           var show = str.split(" ");
            show.sort(function (a,b){
                return b.length - a.length; 
            return show[0];
      console.log(data(str = "javascript is my favourite language "));

js find longest word in string function

function findLongestWordLength(str) {
  return Math.max(...str.split(' ').map(word => word.length));

javascript find the longest word in a string

let str = 'Sleep is critical for good health. Not getting enough sleep can lead 
to diminished brain performance and, in the long term, greater risk of 
health conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, and diabetes';

function findWordsByLen(str, len) {
  const punctuationReg = /[.:;,?!"`~[]{}()<>/@#$%^&*=+_-]/g;
  const words = str
	.replaceAll(/s{2,}/g, ' ')
	.replaceAll(punctuationReg, '')
	.split(' ');

  let wordsByLen = words.reduce((acc, word) => {
    let wordLen = word.length;
    if (!acc.has(wordLen)) acc.set(wordLen, new Set());
    return acc;
  }, new Map());

  const maxLen = Math.max(...wordsByLen.keys());
  const minLen = Math.min(...wordsByLen.keys());

  switch(len) {
  case 'all':
    return wordsByLen;
  case 'max':
    return wordsByLen.get(maxLen);
  case 'min':
    return wordsByLen.get(minLen);

  if (Number.isInteger(len) && wordsByLen.has(len)) return wordsByLen.get(len)
  else return `The string doesn't have any words with a length of ${len}`


findWordsByLen(str, 'max');     // => Set(1) { 'performance' }
findWordsByLen(str, 'min');     // => Set(4) { 'is', 'to', 'in', 'of' }
findWordsByLen(str, 8);         // => Set(2) { 'critical', 'diabetes' }

findWordsByLen(str, 'all');
Map(9) {
  5 => Set(5) { 'Sleep', 'sleep', 'brain', 'These', 'heart' },
  2 => Set(4) { 'is', 'to', 'in', 'of' },
  8 => Set(2) { 'critical', 'diabetes' },
  3 => Set(5) { 'for', 'Not', 'can', 'and', 'the' },
  4 => Set(5) { 'good', 'lead', 'long', 'term', 'risk' },
  6 => Set(3) { 'health', 'enough', 'stroke' },
  7 => Set(4) { 'getting', 'greater', 'include', 'disease' },
  10 => Set(2) { 'diminished', 'conditions' },
  11 => Set(1) { 'performance' }

JS longest word

const wordsArray = ['1', '22', '222', 'longstring', '2222']
const longestWord = wordsArray.reduce((longestWord, currentWord) =>
    currentWord.length > longestWord.length ? currentWord: longestWord, '');
console.debug(longestWord); // longstring

find longest word in a string javascript

function longestWord(string){
  let words = string.split(' ');
  let lengthArray = [];
  let maxNumber;
  let largestWord = '';
  for(let i = 0; i < words.length; i++){
  maxNumber = Math.max(...lengthArray);
  largestWord = words[lengthArray.indexOf(maxNumber)];
  return largestWord;

let str = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs";
let longWord = longestWord(str);

console.log(longWord); //output is jumped

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