The cleaner version than geeks4geeks. Although check that code out too!
## Method 1: Two functions
def mergesort(lst):
# Is sortable
if len(lst) > 1:
# Get mid-point
mid = len(lst) // 2
# Recursive Partition
left = mergesort(lst[:mid])
right = mergesort(lst[mid:])
# Merging
return merge(left, right)
return lst
def merge(left, right):
new = []
# Left and right not empty
while left and right:
# Compare 1st elements of left and right, sort accordingly
if left[0] < right[0]:
# Append the leftover nums
return new + left + right
## Method 2: Nested functions
def merge(nums):
# Recursive partition
if len(nums) > 1:
# Midpoint
mid = len(nums) // 2
left = merge(nums[:mid])
right = merge(nums[mid:])
# Sorting
def go(left, right):
newlist = []
# Sort by comparing 1st elements of both lists
while left and right:
if left[0] < right[0]:
# Cleanup unsorted elements
return newlist + left + right
return go(left, right)
return nums
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int size = 5 ;
double[] arrayList = new double[size];
for(int i = 0 ; i < arrayList.length ; ++i){
arrayList[i] = (Math.random()*1000);
public static void print(double [] arrayList){
for(int i = 0 ; i < arrayList.length; ++i){
public static void mergeSort(double [] arr , int l , int r){
int m = l+(r-l)/2;
merge(arr,l , m , r);
public static void merge(double[] unsorted, int l , int m , int r){
int i ,j ,k;
int arr1 = m - l +1;
int arr2 = r - m ;
double [] left = new double[arr1];
double [] right = new double[arr2];
for(int f = 0 ; f < arr1 ; ++f){
left[f] = unsorted[l+f];
for (int s = 0 ; s < arr2 ; ++s){
right[s] = unsorted[m+1+s];
i = j = 0;
k = l ;
while(i < arr1 && j < arr2){
if(left[i] <= right[j]){
unsorted[k] = left[i];
else {
unsorted[k]= right[j];
unsorted[k] = left[i];
unsorted[k] = right[j];
# MergeSort in Python
def mergeSort(array):
if len(array) > 1:
# r is the point where the array is divided into two subarrays
r = len(array)//2
L = array[:r]
M = array[r:]
# Sort the two halves
i = j = k = 0
# Until we reach either end of either L or M, pick larger among
# elements L and M and place them in the correct position at A[p..r]
while i < len(L) and j < len(M):
if L[i] < M[j]:
array[k] = L[i]
i += 1
array[k] = M[j]
j += 1
k += 1
# When we run out of elements in either L or M,
# pick up the remaining elements and put in A[p..r]
while i < len(L):
array[k] = L[i]
i += 1
k += 1
while j < len(M):
array[k] = M[j]
j += 1
k += 1
# Print the array
def printList(array):
for i in range(len(array)):
print(array[i], end=" ")
# Driver program
if __name__ == '__main__':
array = [6, 5, 12, 10, 9, 1]
print("Sorted array is: ")
function merge(left, right) {
let arr = []
// Break out of loop if any one of the array gets empty
while (left.length && right.length) {
// Pick the smaller among the smallest element of left and right sub arrays
if (left[0] < right[0]) {
} else {
// Concatenating the leftover elements
// (in case we didn't go through the entire left or right array)
return [ ...arr, ...left, ...right ]
def merge_sort(arr):
"""Execute the merge sort algorithm"""
if len(arr) > 1:
# recursive case
mid = len(arr) // 2 # find the midpoint of the array
l = arr[:mid] # define the left half of the array
r = arr[mid:] # define the right half of the array
l = merge_sort(l) # sort the left half by calling this function
r = merge_sort(r) # sort the right half by calling this function
# now merge the two lists
merged = [] # define an empty merged array
while len(l) > 0 and len(r) > 0:
# compare the heads of the left and right array
if l[0] <= r[0]:
# if the head of the left list is smaller than the head of the right list
# pop the head of the left list and append it to the merged list
# otherwise, pop the head of the right list and append that
# add any elements remaining in the left or right list to the merged list
merged = merged + l + r
return merged
# base case
return arr
# Python program for implementation of MergeSort
def mergeSort(arr):
if len(arr) > 1:
# Finding the mid of the array
mid = len(arr)//2
# Dividing the array elements
L = arr[:mid]
# into 2 halves
R = arr[mid:]
# Sorting the first half
# Sorting the second half
i = j = k = 0
# Copy data to temp arrays L[] and R[]
while i < len(L) and j < len(R):
if L[i] < R[j]:
arr[k] = L[i]
i += 1
arr[k] = R[j]
j += 1
k += 1
# Checking if any element was left
while i < len(L):
arr[k] = L[i]
i += 1
k += 1
while j < len(R):
arr[k] = R[j]
j += 1
k += 1
# Code to print the list
def printList(arr):
for i in range(len(arr)):
print(arr[i], end=" ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
arr = [12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7]
print("Given array is", end="
print("Sorted array is: ", end="
# This code is contributed by Mayank Khanna