

momeny day in range

//In versions 2.9+ there is an isBetween function, but it's exclusive:

var compareDate = moment("15/02/2013", "DD/MM/YYYY");
var startDate   = moment("12/01/2013", "DD/MM/YYYY");
var endDate     = moment("15/01/2013", "DD/MM/YYYY");

// omitting the optional third parameter, 'units'
compareDate.isBetween(startDate, endDate); //false in this case

	There is an inclusive workaround ...
	x.isBetween(a, b) || x.isSame(a) || x.isSame(b)
    ... which is logically equivalent to
    !(x.isBefore(a) || x.isAfter(b))
//In version 2.13 the isBetween function has a fourth optional parameter, inclusivity.
//Use it like this:
target.isBetween(start, finish, 'days', '()') // default exclusive
target.isBetween(start, finish, 'days', '(]') // right inclusive
target.isBetween(start, finish, 'days', '[)') // left inclusive
target.isBetween(start, finish, 'days', '[]') // all inclusive

// More units to consider: 
// years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds
// Note: units are still optional. 
// Use null as the third argument to disregard units in which case milliseconds is the default granularity.

Code Example
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Source link
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