// encrypt age regardless of any other options. name and _id will be left unencrypted
userSchema.plugin(encrypt, { encryptionKey: encKey, signingKey: sigKey, encryptedFields: ['age'] });
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var encrypt = require('mongoose-encryption');
var userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
age: Number
// whatever else
// Add any other plugins or middleware here. For example, middleware for hashing passwords
var encKey = process.env.SOME_32BYTE_BASE64_STRING;
var sigKey = process.env.SOME_64BYTE_BASE64_STRING;
userSchema.plugin(encrypt, { encryptionKey: encKey, signingKey: sigKey });
// This adds _ct and _ac fields to the schema, as well as pre 'init' and pre 'save' middleware,
// and encrypt, decrypt, sign, and authenticate instance methods
User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
var secret = process.env.SOME_LONG_UNGUESSABLE_STRING;
userSchema.plugin(encrypt, { secret: secret });