

page object

const Page = require('../pageobjects/mainpage.js');

 * sub page containing specific selectors and methods for a specific page
class mainPage  {
     * define selectors using getter methods
    get GuidButton () {
        return $('li a[href="/docs/gettingstarted.html"]');
     * a method to encapsule automation code to interact with the page
     async clickGuidButton () { await};
  	 async SetValue (value) {await this.inputFieldInterectible.setValue(value) }

     * overwrite specific options to adapt it to page object

module.exports = new mainPage();

Code Example
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Javascript :: lookup objects 
Javascript :: transform js to typescript 
Javascript :: load content on user language in javascript 
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Javascript :: alert title change 
Javascript :: js delete without changing index 
Javascript :: angular resolver with parameters 
Javascript :: Number o flines of typography element react material 
Javascript :: jquery unique 
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Javascript :: Display name instead ID modal dropdown in angularjs 
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Javascript :: How to hide div based on select the dropdown in angular js 
Javascript :: Using animateCamera in functional components in react native 
Javascript :: remove symbols from cnpj js 
Javascript :: JavaScript delete atray item 
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Javascript :: javascript datamatrix parser 
Javascript :: javascript assignment by reference or value 
Javascript :: convert json date to java date 
Javascript :: replace text content with element node 
Javascript :: confirming the end javascript 
Source link
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