Parameter is the variable in the declaration of the function.
Argument is the actual value of this variable that gets passed to the function.
function myFunction(paramOne, paramTwo){
//paramOne and paramTwo above are parameters
//do something here
return paramOne + paramTwo
myFunction(1,2) // 1 & 2 are arguments
variables: any declaration
val someVariable: String = "some variable"
parameters: variables within method/class declaration
fun someMethod (someParameter: String) {...}
class SomeClass (someParameter: String){...}
arguments: variables passed into a method/class call
var somevariable = someMethod(someArgument)
val someClass = SomeClass(someArgument)
property: variable declared within a class
class SomeClass(val someParameter: String){
//use parameter in class as property
"If constructor doesn't specify whether the properties are
mutable or immutable, it means that the parameters are
merely constructor parameters instead of class properties.
You won't be able to use them in the class, but simply
pass them to the superclass constructor."
class SubClass(deviceName: String, deviceCategory: String) :
SuperClass(name = deviceName, category = deviceCategory) {