

react native mac

For macOS:
Go to Terminal:
sudo npm i -g react-native-cli
Enter password
react-native init My_Application

react native new project mac

// Select a folder whereyou want to save the project
//go into that folder

cd React_Native_Projects
//to avoid some future problems when starting the simulator, i installed cocoapods in the general folder for all the projects (i didn't have it installed)
sudo gem install cocoapods

//create the new react native project
react-native init react-project //project with the name 'react-project'

//go into the project folder
cd react-project

//you can now lauch the simulator
react-native run-ios

//if you run into the error 'Failed to build iOS project. We ran 'xcodebuild' command but it exited with error code 65'
//try doing this
cd ios
pod install
rm -rf build/
cd ..
react-native run-ios


Code Example
Javascript :: get url query in react 
Javascript :: string.contains javascript 
Javascript :: return a date time object in yyyy-mm-dd hr:min:sec 
Javascript :: nanoid 
Javascript :: text overflow ellipsis two lines react native 
Javascript :: window.onscroll 
Javascript :: remove object from array by name javascript 
Javascript :: js copy paragraph onclick 
Javascript :: reverse string in js 
Javascript :: how to convert string to sentence case in javascript 
Javascript :: rotate camera three js 
Javascript :: js create p element with text 
Javascript :: js map through array and return array of objects 
Javascript :: html to pdf javascript 
Javascript :: sum all values of an array 
Javascript :: round down the number javascript 
Javascript :: window widht jquery 
Javascript :: javascript Convert to Boolean Explicitly 
Javascript :: visual studio code create react component shortcut 
Javascript :: Contact form tutorial next.js 
Javascript :: select a particular sibling jquey 
Javascript :: javascript multiline script 
Javascript :: filter json array by key in angular 9 
Javascript :: react map gl 
Javascript :: angular go to external url with blank target 
Javascript :: Extract the domain name from a URL 
Javascript :: javascript sort array descending order 
Javascript :: use font awesome in react native 
Javascript :: website implement jquery in js 
Javascript :: bcrypt nodejs hash password 
Source link
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