

javascript require

// The require() method is used to load and cache JavaScript modules.
// So, if you want to load a local, relative JavaScript module into a Node.js application,
// you can simply use the require() method.

// Example:
var yourModule = require( "your_module_name" ); //.js file extension is optional

requireJS Example

 /*In Express...*/
 <script data-main = "javascripts/main" src = ""></script>
/*data-min is location of the requireJS code (e.g. define());*/
 /*src is the requireJS code (you need this, requireJS does not work out of the box)*/

javascript require

const foo = require('./foo.js')

require in node.js

//What happend when we require a module.
resolving and loading,wrapping,execution,returning exports and final caching.
3 types of module we can import.(core,developer and 3rd party module)
const http= require('http') //core module
const controller = require('./lib/controller') //developer module
const express = require('express') // 3rd party module

javascript require

var require = function(src){
	var fileAsStr = readFild(src)
	var module.exports = {}
	**const a = 10
	exports.a = a;**
	return module.exports

Code Example
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Source link
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