

what is CORS

Use CORS to allow cross-origin access. 
CORS is a part of HTTP that lets servers specify any other hosts 
from which a browser should permit loading of content.

How to block cross-origin access
To prevent cross-origin writes, 
	check an unguessable token in the request — known as a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token. 
    prevent cross-origin reads of pages that require this token.
To prevent cross-origin reads of a resource, 
	ensure that it is not embeddable.
    prevent embedding because embedding a resource always leaks some information about it.
To prevent cross-origin embeds, 
	ensure that your resource cannot be interpreted
    Browsers may not respect the Content-Type header. 
For example, if you point a <script> tag at an HTML document, the browser will try to parse the HTML as JavaScript. When your resource is not an entry point to your site, you can also use a CSRF token to prevent embedding.

use cors

app.UseCors(x => x.AllowAnyHeader().AllowAnyMethod().WithOrigins("https://localhost:4200"));

what is cors

CORS => (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) 
sharing resources between different sources

what is CORS

There is this thing called CORS which stands for Cross Origin Resource Sharing. The page where swagger documentation is shown is fetched from our servers, but the swagger UI also needs to make calls to the server where the REST API is. This is a potential security risk, so browser wants to ask permission from the REST API server if it’s ok to use those resources (i.e. try out the API thru web UI swagger documentation)

If you want to make anything except a simple GET or there are any custom headers, the browser wants to make a preflight query to the back end. Browser wants to know if it’s ok to ask whatever it actually wants to ask. So the browser sends an OPTIONS method query to the back end passing along all the headers that the actual request will need. Sounds simple enough (yeah OK, it took me some time until I figured it out. I’m a bit slow) what can go wrong?

Code Example
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Javascript :: google translate javascript 
Javascript :: match characters in curly braces regex js 
Javascript :: localhost:3000 ad is not working with outlook angular 8 
Javascript :: js remove all children 
Javascript :: exceljs font family 
Javascript :: for of loop ecmascript6 
Javascript :: js map delete item 
Javascript :: document ready vanilla js 
Javascript :: copy js object 
Javascript :: Material-ui wallet icon 
Javascript :: lodash get first element of array 
Javascript :: angular 8 remove cookies 
Javascript :: return js 
Javascript :: convert string to regular expression js 
Javascript :: autocomplete data selected validation jquery 
Javascript :: javascript sig figs 
Javascript :: itsycal homebrew 
Javascript :: normal function vs arrow function in javascript 
Javascript :: curved lines on google maps usint react 
Javascript :: Play Audio Stream from Client 
Javascript :: javascript this inside function 
Javascript :: hostlistner 
Javascript :: await in node js 
Javascript :: react disabled attribute 
Javascript :: how to clear all slash commands 
Source link
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