

Viewing Your React App On Another Device

// Type down IPCONFIG in a new terminal window

// From here, you will want to look at IPv4 Address and write down the address that is shown off to the right.
// Simply pull up your device’s browser and type in the IPv4 Address you copied down earlier followed by a colon and then the port number. The format should look something like the following: 555.55.55.555:1234 once you hit enter, you should see your React App live on your mobile device!

Code Example
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Javascript :: pnpm tailwind react 
Javascript :: Backbone Template 
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Javascript :: fs 
Javascript :: json stringify without quotes 
Javascript :: js template literals 
Javascript :: singleton class in js 
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Javascript :: nlhoman json load from file 
Javascript :: optional css tippy 
Javascript :: JavaScript Methods and this Keyword 
Javascript :: javascript remaining elements of an array to a variable using the spread syntax 
Javascript :: JavaScript HTML DOM Navigation 
Javascript :: nodjs : Stream for big file 
Source link
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